Grace Church Life

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Sunday Recap and Looking Ahead: April 17, 2016

Nearly 10 months ago my family and I relocated from Louisville, Kentucky to serve on staff at Grace Church. It has been an incredible time learning from others and serving others. In this space I hope to regularly post a recap of our Sunday service as well as highlight what to anticipate on upcoming Sundays. Why? Here are a few reasons:
1. To serve those who have missed the previous Sunday by giving them a window into what went on as we gathered together.
2. To serve members of the church, particularly parents, by providing a record of the songs we’ve sung and the Scriptures that were read, as well as the songs we will be singing.
3. To serve individuals and churches beyond Grace Church by providing a window into how we worship corporately at Grace Church. This should never be seen as a “service-in-a-box” but will hopefully serve to stretch and sharpen others as they seek to more faithfully lead in seeing the Word of Christ dwell richly in their congregations. Without further ado, this is what Grace Church looked like on Sunday, April 17, 2016.

Call to Worship - Our time began with Larry Malament, our Senior Pastor, reading from Psalm 145:1-3. Larry then exhorted the church to praise God based on who He is. God is indeed great and greatly to be praised.

Singing - We responded to this Call to Worship by singing the Doxology, our voices together declaring that our hope is in the Triune God alone, the one from whom all blessings flow. We then sang Greater Than We Can Imagine, beholding the greatness and glory of the only one who is worthy to be praised.

Our only hope to be reconciled to a God who is greater than we can imagine is through the person and work of Jesus Christ. We recognized this by singing Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery, declaring our hope in the King who took on flesh to ransom us.

Scripture Reading - Our hope is unwavering because of Christ’s sure work which is guaranteed in the giving of the Spirit. I then read from 2 Timothy 1:8-12.

Responding in Song - We then taught Blessed Assurance, a song new to the majority of our congregation from Sovereign Grace Music’s latest album. It powerfully articulates why our hope is unwavering, because we are “Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.” We concluded with the hymn Jesus Paid it All. Our hope is in God and God alone, so we live our lives in response to his greatness and grace. All to Him we owe.

Pastoral Prayer - Larry Malament came and prayed for around 5 minutes interceding for the world, our community, other churches, and specific needs of individuals in the church.

Offering and Announcements - Larry then led the church in giving tithes and offerings, and highlighted our upcoming men’s breakfast and a monthly opportunity we have to give to an area food bank.

Preaching - After a three minute break to welcome visitors, greet those around us, and dismiss children under the age of 10, we had the privilege of sitting under the Word of God being preached. Cedric Moss, senior pastor of Kingdom Life Church, our sister church in Nassau, Bahamas, preached to us from Psalm 131, exhorting the church to respond to life’s unanswered questions with a humble heart, quiet trust, and enduring hope in God.

Closing Song - We don’t always follow the preached word with a song, but in this case singing provided a clear opportunity to reiterate specific truths declared in the sermon and gave us some time for additional reflection and response. We then sang Be Thou My Vision. It was a simple but meaningful prayer in response to Cedric’s message.

Benediction - After the song concluded Larry thanked Cedric, taking time to gratefully emphasize our partnership we share through Sovereign Grace Churches. Larry then sent the church off with the words of Jude 24-25.

Looking Ahead

This coming week we plan on singing How Great You Are, Have Mercy on Me, Not in Me, and In Christ Alone.
Larry Malament will be preaching and beginning our series on Ruth.
We will also be taking time to highlight the partnership we share with Sovereign Grace Churches as we participate in our Mission Fund.

What a joy and privilege it is to be a church, growing in our understanding of the gospel and applying it to our lives. Sunday’s are a gift.

Devon Kauflin