The best place to start connecting at Grace Church begins on Sundays during our time of corporate worship. Come early, stay late, and get to know Grace Church. Beyond Sundays, consider checking out our Upcoming Events for additional ways to participate in community and relationships here.
COMMUNITY GROUPS | Our community groups meet monthly for conversation, prayer, and encouragement around the Word of God. Click here to find a community group near you. (Details coming soon)
STUDY GROUPS | These groups meet for a set number of meetings on a specific focus topic during the fall and spring. Click here to find out more information.
YOUTH - Engaging God’s Word | Our Middle School and High School students gather on the second Saturday of each month for pizza, fellowship, and a time reading and discussing the Bible together. Click here to find out more information.
SERVING | Interested in serving? Email us at or talk with someone at the information table.