
We gather each Sunday to remember who God is, what He has said, what He has done, and who we now are in Him. While all week long we hear many stories, we gather to celebrate the one story that puts all others in proper perspective: God created all things, sustains all things, and came as Jesus to save sinners that they might walk in the good and power of His resurrection life.


COME JOIN US | Sundays at Urbana High School | 3471 Campus Drive, Urbana, MD 21754

COME EARLY | Arrive as early as 10:15am, enjoy a donut and coffee, and allow us the opportunity to get to know you and answer questions that you have. 

COME WORSHIP | Our time of worship begins at 10:30am and concludes around 12pm. During this time we listen to God’s Word, we sing songs shaped by God’s Word, we pray God’s Word, and as baptized believers we receive the Lord’s Supper together.

COME WITH KIDS | God’s Word and the gathering of God’s people isn’t just for some of us; it is for all of us. So, we want you and your children to join us for the whole service. If you wonder if your child(ren) will be a distraction, relax. We understand that God put the wiggle in children. Consider bringing something for them to color, or visit our information table for an activity bag to help them as they listen and learn to participate in what’s going on around them. Just like at a baseball game, they’ll probably have questions about what is going on, and this is great! Do your best to answer them, and if you don’t know what to say, we’d be happy to help! If you have to leave the service with your child, feel free to do so, but please come back! As Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.”