Youth Ministry

Our prayerful desire is that the children and youth of Grace Church grow up knowing what it's like to be a part of the body of Christ. We want them to all experience singing praise to God with their parents, siblings, and friends, and we want families to have the privilege of sitting under God's Word together. So our corporate worship service where God speaks through His Word to all of us, young and old, each and every week is the foundation of our youth ministry. 

In order to support this end, we hold monthly get-togethers, one for Middle School students and one for High School students, on the second Saturday evening of each month called Engaging God's Word. This is a relaxed time where youth and their parents have a pizza dinner, hang out together, and talk about the Bible. Conversation is geared toward the passage in the Bible that will be preached on the following morning. This time is meant to help our youth prepare to hear God's Word on Sunday and learn how to engage God's Word throughout the week. If you'd like more information about this time, please email