"It's Just Not Fair" - Esther 2:19-3:15 (Larry Malament)
Preacher: Larry Malament Series: Esther Scripture: Esther 2:19– 3:15
Sermon Quotes:
Karen Jobe: “While much of the time life might cooperate with our plans, all of us can probably look back and see how circumstances beyond our control have redirected our lives, whether for good or for sorrow. Our sense of ultimately being in control is at times revealed by life’s circumstances to be an illusion. Whether we like it or not, we often feel caught in circumstances beyond our control. Life is full of seemingly insignificant events that in retrospect we recognize as changing the course of our lives. Only God knows the end of a matter before it has even begun. The author of Esther is demonstrating the workings of divine providence. God works mysteriously, patiently, and inexorably through a series of 'coincidental' events and human decisions, even those based on questionable motives and evil intents. All of the 'chance' events in life are really working toward the end that God has ordained. God is invisibly at work, making even life’s greatest disappointments a link in a chain of good things yet to come. We cannot see the end of thing from the middle and must walk by faith, not by sight."
other sermons in this series
Jun 2
"Holy War" Esther 9-10 (Larry Malament)
Preacher: Larry Malament Scripture: Esther 9:1– 10:3 Series: Esther
May 19
"Tables Turned" - Esther 8 (Larry Malament)
Preacher: Larry Malament Scripture: Esther 8:1–17 Series: Esther
May 12
"Sunk and Saved in Susa" - Esther 7 (Larry Malament)
Preacher: Larry Malament Scripture: Esther 7 Series: Esther