Prepare for Sunday


It’s hard to believe that summer is coming to a close! Before it does, we have some upcoming needs and events to make note of. 

Sunday Serving Slot
We have an opening for Sound Set Up on week 3. Prayerfully consider if you can serve in this way! Click here to sign up.

Family Sunday
This Sunday, July 30, is Family Sunday! Plan to stay after the service for a pizza lunch and an extended time of fellowship.

Family Meeting
After the Sunday service on August 13, we will gather as members for a Family Meeting while we enjoy lunch from Jersey Mike’s. Please make it a priority to attend!

Potluck Picnic
Mark your calendars and be thinking about who you can invite to our church picnic at the Rohwer’s Farm on Saturday, August 19! We will gather from 5-8pm and you can sign up to bring a main dish, side dish, or dessert.

All-Church Retreat
Our Retreat is fast approaching, and so is the deadline to register! Make sure to sign up by September 1. Click here to register.